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  1. Hi,

    Your book on Jovan P. is wonderful and has helped me so much with my research on the Ruthven family. I wondered if you could help me out. I am not sure I am reading page 101 correctly. (8338) It looks like John Henry Stewart died in 1522 but he and his wife, Janet Ruthven, had a daughter, Catherine in 1546. Thanks so very much for all of your/ help and again, your book is a treasure. Many thanks, Julie Huber

  2. Hi Julie! How did you come across a copy of JHP's book? I thought the only one to go out was to Hutton? Glad it was useful.

  3. I googled "Ruthven" I think and it came up. It's a great work - obviously so much research went into it. thanks again.

    PS: Any insight on John, Janet and Catherine?


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