The Journals of Prince Henry Sinclair and his descendants now available!

It's here! Be one of the first to read and comment on the journal entries of Prince Henry Sinclair. Learn his connection to Oak Island, the Zeno brothers, and Templar Treasure! Available now at They'll ship directly to you, even international addresses.


  1. My 4th great grandmother was Ellen Sinclair. of what i know she came from northern Ireland in the mid to early 1800's to Canada with her husband William Crozier. I have been trying to research my family tree beyond them but i am stuck maybe this series of books might shed some light on it.

  2. It will definitely shed light on the Sinclair family, but if I can be of help finding your gggrandparents, let me know. I've been trying to put together a Sinclair family tree for several years and would love to include the Crozier line.

  3. how do i start getting the series books and do you ship to canada?

  4. Yes, we ship to Canada. Just order them when they become available.

  5. how do i start ordering theses and when will all 4 be available?

  6. My ancestors are Weems/Wemyss from Scotland.
    My great, great , great grandfather was Willis Weems; killed at the Battle of Shiloh during the civil war. Are we also connected to the Sinclair’s?


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