The Tilton Family History

For anyone interested in the Tilton Family History, this is the ancestry of a direct descendant of the Tilton de Digby family.  Carries the family from Minnesota all the way back to medieval Wales.

Available at if anyone is interested.

For Julie Huber,

Actually, John Henry Stewart died in 1552. That's a typo. Glad you found it!  I've changed it in the master file. How do you link to the Ruthvens?  I'd be glad to send you what I have if you can tell who your ancestor was.

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Hi everyone!

For those who don't know me, I am a mother, grandmother, military veteran of 35 years, and a life-long learner. Over the past 45 years, I've accumulated degrees in a variety of areas but think of myself mostly as an educator as I've run an online high school for more than 20 years. Personally, I think Ph.D. stands for "Push Here Dummy" but as a socio-historian/anthropologist for more than 45 years and a professional genealogist, I'm more than happy to share what I know, and to learn from you!

In the next few months, I will be posting on a variety of topics; including my research on Prince Henry Sinclair, the history of the Sinclair and Wemyss families, and on special projects such as the Albany Indian Mounds and Davenport Tablets which are near to where I live.

I hope you'll join me. Ask questions, send me your comments and feel free to add constructive criticism. I look forward to building a great community!

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